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Moldex3D SYNC 2022 for SOLIDWORKS 

Navigation: 1. Getting Started > 1. Introduction to SYNC > 1. Function Overview > 6. High Performance Computing of Moldex3D

1. Parallel Applications

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The traditional sequential application uses only one processor, and one instruction executed at a time. The computing speed depends on how fast the data can walk through hardware. This architecture is regarded as a single processing unit. It receives a single stream of instructions that operates on a single stream of data.

The parallel application is different from the traditional sequential application. The major types of parallel application architecture are MPMD (multiple program multiple data) and SPMD (single program multiple data). The details are as follows.

MPMD - Multiple Program Multiple Data

In MPMD, each processor has a separate program, and one instruction stream is generated from each program for each processor. Each instruction operates upon different data. The figure below shows the architecture of MPMD in detail.

MPMD Parallel Computing

SPMD - Single Program Multiple Data

In SPMD, each processor executes the same program but applies different data. Moldex3D uses SPMD to achieve parallelism.

SPMD Parallel Computing